Capital Region | Capital Health | Spring 2018

cancer, and looked at Barnes, MD Anderson and Mayo.” While researching various websites and digging through vast amounts of information from treatment centers across the country, one name kept popping up. It was Gerald L. Andriole Jr., MD, chief of the Division of Urologic Surgery at Washington University. “He seemed to be a leader in treating the disease. Sarah agreed and called a medical school classmate who practices at Barnes, and he confirmed that Dr. Andriole was one of the best urologists to treat prostate cancer in the country,” Crabtree recalls. “We were seen by Dr. Andriole on February 28. He confirmed that the cancer was an aggressive stage IV cancer and very serious.” With options limited, Crabtree was referred to Russell K. Pachynski, MD, a medical oncologist at Siteman Cancer Center. At Siteman, he began an experimental hormonal treatment program with two different medications that are not typically used for initial treatment. The goal of the treatment was to reduce the size of the tumor so it could be removed surgically. The injections were needed monthly, and Dr. Pachynski suggested looking for options to receive them close to home. Collaborative treatment “Again, I researched area oncologists and found a very qualified group of doctors practicing at Goldschmidt Cancer Center—right here in Jefferson City. I also found that this group had many positive recommendations,” Crabtree says. He scheduled an appointment with Eston Schwartz, MD, oncologist at Goldschmidt and the medical director for the center. Crabtree was pleased to discover that Dr. Schwartz had worked with Dr. Pachynski. “I found Goldschmidt a welcome relief from the very large and often impersonal Barnes,” he says. “Meeting with Dr. Schwartz was reassuring as he walked me through the stage IV cancer I had and spent a considerable amount of time mapping out the cancer and the options used for treatments.” Dr. Schwartz reviewed the outcome of Crabtree’s initial surgery and affirmed they were on the right path for treatment. “He said he had three current patients he was treating in conjunction with Dr. Pachynski,” Crabtree remarks. “That was reassuring and made me feel good about using Goldschmidt—I had no idea there were cooperative treatment programs as I felt I was pushing the limits of protocol. Dr. Schwartz was positive and had a cooperative spirit. He then introduced me to his nurse, Stormy Rehagen, a wonderful, compassionate and skilled nurse, and I began my injections.” After a few months of the hormone treatments, the oncology team ordered a scan to determine if the cancer had spread since it was a very aggressive type. Although the scan was ordered by Crabtree’s oncologists at Barnes, he was able to complete the testing at Goldschmidt. “My doctors at Goldschmidt agreed with the need for the scan and had it scheduled in days,” Crabtree says. “And the result: good outcome with no apparent spread!” Pictured above: Jim Crabtree with Jay Allen, MD (left), and Eston Schwartz, MD (right). These physicians took a collaborative team approach in the treatment plan. 4 Capital Region Medical Center —Continued from page 3 “I found the staff at Goldschmidt to be truly remarkable...the staff was always at my side, empathetic, compassionate and encouraging.” —Jim Crabtree