Capital Region | Capital Health | Summer 2018 3 which is why rehab after a neurological injury is vital.” SaeboMAS helps the shoulders The SaeboMAS (mobile arm support) offers support for the shoulder so that the patient does not have to work as hard to use the elbow, forearm, or hand if they have shoulder weakness—which increases repetition of the movement or the use of the arm. SaeboFlex helps the hands, wrists and fingers The SaeboFlex offers facilitation and support for the fingers and wrist to be in extension so that the patient can use their own muscle power to grasp an object. When releasing the object, the patient gets help from the SaeboFlex to extend the fingers. “Usually after a stroke, the hand moves into a fisted position and is difficult to stretch all the way out, often taking the power of the other hand to move or stretch completely. This makes grasping or releasing objects difficult,” says Parker. “The SaeboFlex helps move the fingers into extension, so it speeds up the process of grasp and release. This increased speed and decreased effort by the patient is motivating for them to use at home because they can actually see their hand working and moving much like it used to.” Parker says the SaeboFlex is also very helpful for shoulder function. Since the SaeboFlex is designed to facilitate wrist and finger extension, it also creates a zone for exercise of the shoulder based on the abilities of the hand. During use, the patient can improve shoulder function because they can engage the nonuseful hand in tasks that required them to grasp—and then move an object that requires more shoulder function. SaeboStretches and SaeboGloves help the hands The Partners also purchased and donated Saebo Stretches which help with positioning of the hand at night to prevent contractures and soft tissue shortening that can happen after a neurological injury. Capital Region therapists have also had success in using SaeboGloves, which is a glove with rubber bands providing extension of the fingers. The glove is worn for all daily tasks. All of these devices offer a way for the patient to engage the arm or hand in more functional, repetitive tasks, which is one of the key components to neuro-recovery and improved functional skills. Saebo tools help patients regain muscle function at home The Saebo suite of tools helps expedite the therapy process in many cases. “The Saebo equipment that we use has allowed for a quicker return of shoulder and arm function for our patients because of the increased motivation to achieve an action with the affected extremity in mass repetition,” says Parker. “Sometimes we would have patients in the clinic after a fairly serious neurological injury that left them with an ‘unusable arm’ for functional tasks. Traditional therapy stretches and exercises were used during therapy sessions, but the patient still found it challenging to engage their hand or arm in daily tasks outside therapy sessions, which was defeating for the patient.” Saebo helps patients stay in control Parker says that since these devices provide facilitation, her patients have a way that they can somewhat control what their arm or hand can do at home—which leads to improvement in their motivation level, increased repetitions of the task, and increased movement or function of their hand or arm. “I think patients like the Saebo tools because they feel a little more in control of their rehabilitation process,” says Parker. “Before using Saebo devices, patients relied heavily on the therapist to help facilitate function and only during treatment sessions. Now with these devices, they can practice every day, improving their progress.” The entire occupational therapy team at Capital Region, both in the inpatient rehabilitation center and in the outpatient clinics, are trained in the use of Saebo devices. For more information regarding Therapy Services at Capital Region Medical Center and the Sam B. Cook Healthplex, please visit .