Capital Region | Capital Health | Summer 2018

Why you should never ignore possible signs of a heart attack One day, shortly after eating a big meal, you feel an unusual pain in your chest. You may wonder: Could it be a heart attack? But you don’t want to believe that—or upset your family with your concerns. Besides, what if the pain is just indigestion? But your family and friends are actually among the biggest reasons why you should never ignore any possible heart attack symptoms. The sooner you get emergency help for a heart attack, the better your chances of still being around for them. A heart attack happens when the heart’s blood supply is suddenly cut off, which damages the heart. If you call 911 and let an ambulance take you to a hospital, prompt treatment can help you survive with less damage to your heart. As seen on TV? Don’t count on it Heart attacks aren’t always the swift and intense events that are portrayed on TV. So some people may delay calling 911 because they don’t realize that what they’re feeling is a heart attack. Most heart attacks involve discomfort (felt in the center of the chest) that lasts more than a few minutes or comes and goes. Many people describe it as pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. Check out the infographic at right for more warning signs or symptoms. If you suspect that you might be having a heart attack, don’t second-guess yourself. Call 911 immediately. Your loved ones will be glad you did. Sources: American Heart Association; National Institutes of Health 6 Capital Region Medical Center Listen to your Sources: American Heart Association; National Institutes of Health Body: breaking out in a cold sweat; fatigue or weakness Shoulders or arms: pain or discomfort in one or both Stomach: pain or discomfort; nausea; vomiting Back: pain or discomfort Neck or jaw: pain or discomfort Head: dizziness; light- headedness Lungs: shortness of breath; coughing Chest: pain or discomfort Learn to spot symptoms of a heart attack You could have one or more of these: CALL 911 IF YOU’RE HAVING SYMPTOMS OF A HEART ATTACK. heart